A Study of Student Perceptions on the Rights of Nature
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This research article explores the concept of the Rights of Nature by reviewing survey results from undergraduate students at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) on their perception of the Rights of Nature. Rights of Nature is defined as nature having the same right to exist as humans (Harden-Davis, et. al., 2020). This study found how receptive undergraduate students are to the term Rights of Nature by analyzing their answers to a list of questions, both multiple choice and short answers. The research findings concluded that students at UNCW agree with the theoretical conceptualization of the Rights of Nature, but they think it is politically infeasible as a solution to environmental problems.
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How to Cite
Scudella, J. (2023). A Study of Student Perceptions on the Rights of Nature. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, 13(2), 33–52. https://doi.org/10.56421/ujslcbr.v13i2.445
Research Articles