I am pleased to share with you our most recent issue of the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research Volume 12. The articles in this issue span a variety of topics both local and global. The global pandemic continues to be evident in the work we have published in this issue, both negative in how COVID-19 disrupts education, as well as positive describing a community resource that has proven vital during the pandemic. There are also articles on community gardens as well as international service learning. We are continually impressed by the great work that students are doing, especially in light of the continued disruption from COVID-19. We hope you enjoy reading these pieces as much as we have.  

As you read these articles, please consider contributions you can make to the journal. If you are an undergraduate student, please consider submitting your work to a future issue. Submissions are due on January 31st for both our regular issue and our special issue on social justice. Faculty and staff, please encourage your students to submit their work, and consider becoming a reviewer for the journal (express your interest by emailing your CV and your specific areas within service learning and community-based research to ujslcbr@uncw.edu). Finally, be on the lookout for workshops we are holding this spring about the publishing process for undergraduate students.   

My sincere thanks to everyone who helped to make this issue a success, especially all of the student authors and faculty reviewers. Emily Crumpler, the journal’s editorial assistant, was instrumental in getting this issue published despite the continued challenges we are experiencing.  

Julia Waity, editor, Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research 

Published: 2022-07-27