Reaching My Peers: Virtual and Abroad Service Learning

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Paisly Symenuk


As I sit at my computer, reflecting upon my final service-learning experience in my undergraduate degree, I have no internet connection, no cellphone, and no close friends or family within 14,000 kilometers of me, and yet, I feel more connected than ever. I am in Senanga, a small but lively town that sits on the bank of the Zambezi River in the Western province of Zambia. Two white egrets sit on the shore, as small wooden boats travel to and from the local market to collect groceries for the week. This includes going upstream with multiple 25 kilogram bags of maize, better known as “millie mill,” which will be made into the local favorite, nshima. Here is where I completed my final service-learning component just days ago. Here, and all
around the world.

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How to Cite
Symenuk, P. (2016). Reaching My Peers: Virtual and Abroad Service Learning. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, 5, 1–5.
Reflective Essays