Multifaceted Growth Through Community-Based Learning

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Lindsey Williams


A myriad of experiences call us to learn, collaborate, and grow. Through these events, individuals are ultimately able to seek meaning in their lives and work toward becoming better versions of themselves. One way in which an individual can achieve this is through service and interaction with his or her community. In the past year, I have participated in three communitybased learning classes. CBL classes aim to enrich student learning through community service and provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to specific community experiences. By participating in such curriculum, students are not only able to meet their needs academically, but are also able to meet the needs of their community. These classes have afforded me the opportunity to work with various populations and increase my awareness of the diverse groups that make up my community.

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How to Cite
Williams, L. (2013). Multifaceted Growth Through Community-Based Learning. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, 2, 1–4.
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