Witnessing the Power of Environment at Norris Square

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Catherine Jones


As we sit on the wooden benches, the students and I feel our torsos squiggle up the wall with the Crayola green vines, our heads in the canopy reading about dinosaurs and dragons. Under the tumultuous palm leaves, blue butterflies, red parrots, and spotted jaguars, lies peace. The students and I share a common bond, as we grow and learn and laugh together in the jungle. Everyone who joins our class seems to feel at ease, too. It’s from the mystical power of the jungle, or better yet, it’s the power of Norris Square Neighborhood Project. It’s the power of environment.

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How to Cite
Jones, C. (2013). Witnessing the Power of Environment at Norris Square. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, 2, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.56421/ujslcbr.v2i0.129
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