Toward Critical Service-Learning: Alternative Breaks at UC Berkeley

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Sarah Ducker
Katharine Hinman
Chika Kondo
Danielle Ngo


Alternative Breaks is a service-learning program that began in 2001 as part of the UC Berkeley Public Service Center. The program has changed considerably over the last 12 years, fluctuating in trip locations, issues of focus, and participant numbers. Currently, we have ten service-learning trips that occur over spring break, two of which are accompanied by a winter break service trip and a summer internship program in the same location and with the same issues of focus. Our trips visit communities principally throughout California, in addition to trips that visit Arizona, Oregon, and the Gulf Coast. Our current issues of focus range from homelessness and poverty and immigration to animal welfare and environmental justice.

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How to Cite
Ducker, S., Hinman, K. ., Kondo, C., & Ngo, D. (2013). Toward Critical Service-Learning: Alternative Breaks at UC Berkeley. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research, 2, 1–17.
Research Articles